
When people visited, they heard a series of passionate speeches against domestic violence. They applauded realtime by hitting the exclamation key, and showed support by signing a declaration or donating to the cause. This site attracted Macy's as a marquee sponsor, raised a ton of coin for the Family Violence Prevention Fund and was featured in the Comm Arts Interactive Annual.

The Speeches
In essence, this was an interactive rally. Passionate speeches blared through the loudspeaker in a series of dramatic scenes. Users showed their support by tapping the exclamation mark on their keypad.

A world full of respect is a world without violence.
Leveraging the Google Maps API, we showed who had visited the site to support the cause. Live users were given a pulsating white dot. Past visitors were given a solid white dot. And people who donated through the website were given an orange dot.

©2014 Matt Bowne